How to React During a Disaster

New graphic novel highlights the 2014 Kaohsiung gas explosions.

Running away costs money, which is why it’s easier to do when you grow up rich. For Angela Severson, what happens when something bigger than you occurs and all your escape routes are gone?

A disaster like the 2014 Koahsiung gas explosions could happen anywhere. Every city has an intersecting maze of pipelines and other subterranean infrastructure. In Koahsiung’s case, an unnoticed leak began detonating just before midnight on July 31st, ripping open entire streets in the process. Happening on a warm night in city where night markets are popular, many people got caught out.

Kaohsiung, like many under-reported events from history, has universal lessons that can be expressed in a story. Graphic novels are great at communicating history, providing enriching illustrations able to depict any scale, while allowing the reader to progress at their own pace.

The artwork for Bystander Chronicles, illustrated by Megan Huang and colored by BeyondColorlab, was designed specifically to fit as much of the mobile screen as possible without distorting the images.

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