How to React During a Disaster

New graphic novel highlights the 2014 Kaohsiung gas explosions.

Running away costs money, which is why it’s easier to do when you grow up rich. For Angela Severson, what happens when something bigger than you occurs and all your escape routes are gone?

A character from the digital graphic novel, Bystander Chronicles. Available for mobile devices.
Angela Severson – Image A

A disaster like the 2014 Koahsiung gas explosions could happen anywhere. Every city has an intersecting maze of pipelines and other subterranean infrastructure. In Koahsiung’s case, an unnoticed leak began detonating just before midnight on July 31st, ripping open entire streets in the process. Happening on a warm night in a city where night markets are popular, many people got caught out.

A character from the digital graphic novel, Bystander Chronicles, considers looting. Available for mobile devices.
A character pauses before gathering supplies – Image B

Bystander Chronicles is the first in a historical fiction anthology series created specifically for smartphone and tablet. Concerning the under-reported 2014 Kaohsiung gas explosions this interactive graphic novel follows Angela Severson and her unlikely companions as they try survive, try to help, try do anything other than run away from the terrible disaster that rocked an unsuspecting city.

A promotional still from the interactive motion comic Bystander Chronicles.

The artwork for Bystander Chronicles, illustrated by Megan Huang with colors by BeyondColorlab, was designed specifically to fit as much of the mobile screen as possible without distorting the images.

A character from the digital graphic novel about the 2014 Kaohsiung gas explosions called Bystander Chronicles. Available for mobile devices.
Local industry executives are confronted – Image C

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Media Kit Bystander Chronicles

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Bystander Chronicles Logo

Reference News Links w/ updated info:

Massive Taiwan gas explosion kills 24 – BBC News – YouTube

Repairs completed, damaged Kaohsiung streets are reopened – Taipei Times

Prison sentences of 4 years and more for dead… | Taiwan News

Court reverses gas blast sentences – Taipei Times

Taiwan- Deadly gas blasts rock Kaohsiung – YouTube

Drone Footage- aftermath of Kaohsiung gas explosion – YouTube


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